Beating the Odds
After his 2nd kidney transplant, Pete Kite trained for 6 months to complete a 400-mile charity bicycling ride across the state of GA as he raises awareness for fellow ailing victims of kidney disease. Soon after successfully crossing the state line, Pete quickly learns that in fact, his recently transplanted kidney begins to fail. Due to his 30 previous medical operations, stemming from end-stage renal failure at birth, Pete’s antibody level makes it virtually impossible to find a compatible replacement organ. With 17% of one functioning kidney, life, once again becomes a combination of fist-fulls of medication and infusion therapy treatments to prevent ending up on life-altering dialysis. The man meets machine alternative to death for individuals suffering from chronic kidney disease, a state in which 300,000 fellow Americans exist.
Pete’s cycling trainer Kelly Parham catches wind of his condition, quickly acts on faith and along with the Director of Comprehensive Transplantation at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Robert Montgomery, together they take a literal “one in a million” shot at saving Pete’s life and… “it happened”.
Suggested donation: $10
100% of your donation will help patients and families
coping with the financial strain of a life-saving kidney transplant.
Giving the Gift of Life
- More than 100,000 people are waiting for a transplant, but there are not enough donors to meet the need.
- In 2021, 6,000 people in the U.S. died while on the transplant waiting list.
- On the positive side, nearly 6,500 lives were saved through living donors in 2022.
- Kidney donations are the most in need. On the organ transplant list, 85% of people are in need of a kidney.
- Donors can include parents, children, siblings, relatives, or friends of a person in need of an organ or tissue. You can also donate to someone you've never met.
- About 25% of organ donations in the U.S. involve a donor and recipient who don't know each other.
Suggested donation: $10
100% of your donation will help patients and families
coping with the financial strain of a life-saving kidney transplant.
Raising Awareness. Changing Lives.
Our mission is to promote and inform the public surrounding the life-saving benefits of live organ donation through educating and facilitating group events aimed at illuminating the opportunities we all have to assist with needs of our fellow man.